Comarp born in Milan on November 27, 1980 at 6pm

Birth sign: Sagittarius
Ascendant: Gemini

Sagittarius personality has ambitious goals, aimed at reaching its extreme limits, at excellence. To get to the limit, as his nature demands, he needs to go far, he has to make his way with the most congenial means to him: trust, optimism, generosity.

The Gemini ascendant brings the need to immerse yourself in ever new situations to test your worth.

The birthplace of Comarp highlights a great energy spent in conquering an ideal and a noteworthy propensity for renewal, in search of new ways to go. The ability to mediate, reach and maintain agreements, manage different entities also distinguishes the Consortium’s sky. This is joined by the desire to face the risk with enthusiasm, weighting and depth of analysis.

At the base of everything there is the attitude to create new forms. In this climate of optimism, capable of spreading feelings of kindness and acceptance, the will to conquer, the desire to emerge and dominate are lacking.

The advantage for the Customer is that they have a single interlocutor for all the work performed.

The planetary situation at the time of constitution

Pluto in Libra requires the destruction of old forms and the creation of new ones, be they ideological, legal or physical. An element that can be interpreted as the creation and continuous adaptation of the consortium form of a network of companies, but also in a professional sense. The metalworking companies of Comarp carry out processing of shapes starting from the raw material.

Neptune in Sagittarius is the idea, the dream to be experienced also in the political sphere. It proposes the search for new paths and is a precursor to various political-social and institutional structures. Uranus in Scorpio brings a modus operandi always ready to face risks and dangers through activities carried out with intelligence and unpredictability aimed at finding the solution.

The situation today

Today the positions of the planets require an evaluation of the real results obtained based on expectations. It’s time to sum up and start again. The working methods must be reviewed to face the market, including advertising strategies and corporate communication.

The sky suggests committing to transform the internal organizational and management aspects and strategies of the Consortium. Sagittarius must break distances, go far beyond limits in order to be realized. That attack department of a consolidated team that Comarp must continuously develop and refine, can turn abroad, to international markets to gain success and breath. With this management reorganization, this new opening away from itself and with a renewed drive to assert the group, the following years are positive, full of achievements. From the definition phase of the internal balances of a now strong and stable network of companies, it will therefore be possible to gradually move on to the phase of further expansion and success on the market.

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